Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"The Da Vinci Code" - Truth Unveiled!

Today, while doing my Bible study homework, I had to read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 53 in the Bible (I use a New Living Translation).

In Isaiah 53, Isaiah is talking about Jesus and His death on the cross for our sins. Well, when I read Isaiah 53:8, I had to stop, go back, and read it again...

"Unjustly condemned, He was led away. No one cared that He died without decendants, that His life was cut short in midstream..."

Why has no one seen this verse before? I've read books that debunk the myths of Dan Brown's book, "The Da Vinci Code" (my favorite being Bart D. Ehrman's "Truth & Fiction in The Da Vinci Code") but, to the best of my knowledge, I'd never come across this particular verse before.

And, yet, this verse totally debunks the claim that Jesus & Mary Magdalene had a child and that the bloodline continues on to this day, kept secret by a secret society!

You can't argue with the Word of God. It's the truth, and "the Truth will set you free!"(John 8:32)

1 comment:

BookCafe said...

Just a side note...

I *have* read "The Da Vinci Code" -- twice! -- and I love it for the great piece of fiction that it is! So, don't get me wrong ... I don't bash the book as a book ... just its false claims. :-?