Monday, September 04, 2006

QUOTING: Blah, Blah, Blah

Quoting: "Blah, Blah, Blah: Making Sense of the World's Spiritual Chatter" by Bayard Taylor:

p.25 - "Consciously or unconsciously, everybody is a walking billboard for his or her worldview. We're constantly advertising what's most important to us. So what are you advertising?"

p.25 - "Too many Christians have the idea that witnessing is primarily verbal -- either preaching the gospel or defending the faith against skeptics. But representing Christ in our culture means much more."

p.30 - "You might say you believe one way, but your real worldview is revealed by what you do."

p.34 - "...the best any of us can do is try to be aware of our own worldview assumptions, to be honest with others about where we're coming from, and to respectfully listen to others' point of view."

p.58 - "God is a passionate lover of His people... God desires to be known by us."

p.63 - "...our life is about our relationship with God."

p.98 - "...our words have much more credibility if our lives back up our words."

p.99 - "God can use us in bringing the good news to people; but God is the One who draws people; God's Holy Spirit is the One who convinces them that they are sinners, unrighteous, and in need of forgiveness."

p.100 - "...only in the Biblical worldview does it make sense to say, 'God loves you.'"

p.111 - "It is startling how little Genesis 1 tells us about the 'how' of creation. The point is, Genesis 1 tells about the 'Who' of creation.... It ought to be enough simply to know the one true God."

p.123 - "If you want a faith that stands up to intellectual challenges, you need to wrestle with the ideas out there that go against Christian faith."

p.124 - "We ought always to stay teachable."

p.126 - "Nobody ever seriously suggested that we could know truth exhaustively as God knows it."

p.140 - "God alone is God, and you are not Him!"

p.161 - "The God of the Bible is not a spirit or a force to be controlled or manipulated. Any spirit or force that opposes Him is asking for it.
Genesis 1 set the stage for a historic series of cosmic smackdowns. Starting with Exodus, one by one Yahweh takes the pretender gods, spirits and demons out."

p.161 - "We generally don't think the old pagan gods had any validity or reality, so we discount a major theme in the biblical story."

p.169 - "...there are lots of terrible examples of Christians not living up to the best and highest Christian teachings."

p.172 - "...all worldviews force some narrowing of the mind -- otherwise they wouldn't be worldviews!"

p.182-183 - "If we want to be convincing to others about our faith, we have to live as if it is true. We need to live authentically."

p.184 - "We all need God's mercy & forgiveness."

p.185 - "What we desperately need is a way to draw reasonable boundaries around Christian faith, and yet allow for good-faith differences."

p.186 - "Any Christian interpretation of Christian faith must begin with the Biblical worldview -- and no other."

p.194 - "...our job is not to decide who is 'in' or 'out' of God's kingdom....We have to leave some things up to God....everyone deserves some respect as a human being. Jesus...calls us to love everyone. Even our enemies."

p.207 - " not assume that every church with a Christian-sounding name is necessarily Christian."

p.240 - "God loves you. He can handle your doubts, miseries, and questions. He couldn't love you more than He already does. Hang in there."

p.240 - "Effective Bible teaching needs to make a connection to real life."