Saturday, May 13, 2006

What's Real?

Yesterday, while reading an Email from Blessings Christian Marketplace, I came across a blurb that was quite enlightening:

Singer/ writer Tim Neufeld (of the band, "Starfield") says of the new album ["Beauty in the Broken"], "The underlying theme of the CD is the idea of looking through the everyday and into the sacred... the idea that the sacred IS the reality, and not the earthly. It's about us fitting into God's reality and not the reverse…" The songs are the full range of the human response to this kind of grand theme… abandonment, surrender, apprehension, doubt, joy and more…

Whoa. How true is *that*?! That this is GOD'S REALITY, not ours! That really put things into perspective for me. It reemphasizes the same thing I've heard over and over in the past 6 years: It's not about ME.

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