Saturday, December 10, 2005

Blaise Pascal

A few days ago I got a copy of Blaise Pascal's "PENSEƉS" ("thoughts") out of the library. I've been browsing through it, and I find it fascinating.
I'm not agreeing with *everything* I've read in the book, so far -- he's a Jansenist, I'm a Baptist; we're bound to disagree on certain things -- but other points I'm thoroughly agreeing with. I find myself wanting to read passage after passage to my husband. LOL
A quote I liked from the chapter entitled, "Fundamentals of Religion and Answers to Objections" - #446 [68-510] -

"Man is not worthy of God, but not incapable of being made worthy of Him. It is unworthy of God to unite Himself with miserable man; but it is not unworthy of God to rescue man from his misery."

It is true that we're not worthy, but that God *makes* us worthy! He made us worthy when He took our place on the Cross at Calvary! Hallelujah! All we need to do is accept His *free* gift!
More on Blaise Pascal to come....

Friday, December 09, 2005

Truth Quest - Intro

I've been thinking that I want a place where I can ramble on about the things I'm learning from my books. Not like reviews (I have a blog for that already), but a way to discuss what insights I've found, and what the books have prompted me to seek out, etc.
I'm thirsty for Truth. I've sought it out in places where Truth is supposed to be a given, and yet I've been burned more than once. That's not to say that I'm giving up on those places entirely. I just need more.
Thank the Lord for books! ;oP
I may not always be profound and intelligent in my ramblings, but to put down in words what is going through my head helps me to sort out those thoughts, and make sense of things a bit.